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By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Parents who juggle packed work and family schedules deserve a Nobel Prize in mathematics for doing something not even the most brilliant scientists can do: They pack 48 hours of activity into 24, Pope Francis said. “I don’t know how they do …

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In every relationship, including one’s relationship with Jesus, it is important to remember that “first encounter,” that initial, life-changing moment of love, Pope Francis said. Celebrating Mass April 24 in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis used the …

By Elise Harris CNA/EWTN News The Vatican has organized the first-ever international day of prayer and reflection against human trafficking, in hopes that the world will join forces in putting this “plague” to an end. “Our awareness must expand and extend to the very depths of this evil and its …

March 31, 2011 By Father Kyle Schnippel I was raised in a very small town, roughly 1,000 people total, even including the surrounding countryside. To say that everyone knew everyone would be an understatement. Despite the

January 4, 2011 By Father Kyle Schnippel “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught His disciples.” The apostles had witnessed the deep communion that existed between Jesus and His heavenly Father, and, as holiness does, it attracted them. Seeing that peace that comes from that personal connection, they wanted …