Posts Tagged
Pope John Paul II
Throwback Thursday: Habemus John Paul II

Staff Report Though present-day secular media like to use hyperbole over every morsel of Catholic news, on this date in 1978 that the church really did experience what could be called a “seismic shift.” For the first time since 1605, it was to be a year of three popes. Pope …
Pope Francis, with retired pope, canonizes Sts. John and John Paul

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Canonizing two recent popes in the presence of his immediate predecessor, Pope Francis praised the new Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II as men of courage and mercy, who responded to challenges of their time by modernizing the Catholic …
Pope says he hopes new saints will inspire church to fulfill mission

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Just days before Pope Francis was set to canonize two of his predecessors, he expressed his hopes the two soon-to-be saints would continue to inspire the whole church in its mission.
Local sister met John Paul II in 1990

Staff Report Sister of Mercy Victoria Vondenberger director of the archdiocesan Tribunal, knew she was in the presence of someone special when she met Blessed John Paul II in 1990. She was in Rome as part of a cannon law class trip, when the group was invited to the pope’s …
Pope to canonize Blessed John XXIII, John Paul II April 27

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Recognizing that Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II have widespread reputations for holiness and that years of studying their lives and actions have proven their exceptional virtue, Pope Francis announced he would declare his two predecessors saints at a single …
Krakow, Poland, to host World Youth 2016

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service RIO DE JANEIRO — Krakow, Poland, will be the site of the next World Youth Day, in 2016. Pope Francis made the announcement shortly after celebrating the final Mass of this year’s World Youth Day before a crowd of more than 3 million …
Archbishop Schnurr releases statement on pending canonization of Blessed John Paul II
Staff Report Archbishop of Cincinnati Dennis M. Schnurr released the following statement Friday, July 5 in response to news that Blessed John Paul II had been cleared by Pope Francis for canonization.
Pope clears the way for the canonizations of John Paul II, John XXIII

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis signed a decree clearing the way for the canonization of Blessed John Paul II and has decided also to ask the world’s cardinals to vote on the canonization of Blessed John XXIII, even in the absence of a …
Saints’ congregation reportedly acts on causes of JP II, John XXIII
By Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The cardinals and archbishops who are members of the Congregation for Saints’ Causes met July 2 and, according to Italian news reports, took steps to advance the sainthood causes of Blesseds John Paul II and John XXIII. The Vatican press office confirmed …