Posts Tagged
Pope Benedict XVI
The tale behind symbol of light when Pope Benedict visited ground zero

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — When Pope Benedict XVI visited ground zero in 2008, he knelt alone and prayed inside the cement-walled crater where the World Trade Center once stood. As a sign of bringing light and hope to the dark memory of 9/11, the pope …
Still time for archdiocese Catholics to gain indulgence
Staff Report Although the Year of Faith will draw to a close on Nov. 24, the feast of Christ the King, faithful Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati still have the opportunity to receive a special plenary indulgence (a gift of grace from God), by visiting churches/holy sites designated by …
Encyclical illustrates continuity of two papacies, officials say

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Presenting Pope Francis‘ new encyclical and acknowledging how much of it was prepared by retired Pope Benedict XVI, top Vatican officials hailed it as a unique expression of the development of papal teaching and unity in faith.
Court declines request it investigate Vatican leaders over abuse issues

By Catholic News Service NEW YORK (CNS) — The International Criminal Court declined a request from victims of clergy sexual abuse to investigate Vatican officials and their responsibility for the abuse of children by Catholic priests around the world.
Pope confirms he’s finishing encyclical begun by Pope Benedict
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis told members of the ordinary council of the Synod of Bishops that he was preparing to publish an encyclical on faith written “with four hands” — his own and those of Pope Benedict XVI.
In Brazil, pope to meet slum-dwellers, politicians, world’s youth
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis will meet slum-dwellers and powerful politicians, pay homage at a Marian shrine and celebrate with participants at World Youth Day when he visits Brazil in late July. The Argentine pope’s first international trip, which will take him …
Pope Francis welcomes retired Pope Benedict back to Vatican

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — For the first time in history, the Vatican is home to a pope and a retired pope. Pope Francis welcomed his predecessor, retired Pope Benedict XVI, to the Vatican May 2 outside the convent remodeled for the 86-year-old retired pontiff …
Update: Vatican denies Spanish media report of Pope Emeritus’ failing health

Staff Report UPDATE: The Vatican denied Wednesday that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI sufferers from any serious illness other than the problems associated with old age. A Newsmax report claims that Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi denied reports in a Spanish newspaper that the former pope was facing any specific illness. …
2005 conclave: Argentine Cardinal Bergoglio was second on each ballot
By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A respected Italian journal said Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, a 76-year-old Jesuit, was the cardinal with the second-highest number of votes on each of the four ballots in the 2005 conclave. The journal, Limes, said its report …
Cardinals send retired pope note of thanks, call for prayers
Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The College of Cardinals thanked retired Pope Benedict XVI for his “tireless work” and example of “generous pastoral concern.” Meeting during the second day of pre-conclave gatherings at the Vatican, the 148 cardinals present sent a telegram to the former pope, who moved …