Posts Tagged
Pope Benedict XVI
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

We are only halfway through Lent, and retail stores are well into offering Easter candy and sales on Easter outfits. This is only natural. We all want to skip death and get to the resurrection. Perhaps that desire is even stronger in difficult times. And we are living in difficult …
First Holy Communion, The Rosary & Theology of the Body

May is an exciting time for Catholics. Many children will continue their lifelong journey with Jesus as they receive Him in the Eucharist for the first time. May is also recognized by the Church as Mary’s month. It seems fitting for children to receive their First Holy Communion during a …
Archdiocese to mark Oct. 14 canonization of Blessed Oscar Romero

When the canonization ceremony for Blessed Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, is held in Rome on Oct. 14, Catholics in the archdiocese will be among those celebrating. Archbishop Romero, an outspoken advocate for the poor, was shot and killed March 24, 1980, as he celebrated Mass in a hospital …
Throwback Thursday: A glance at past papal pilgrimages to the U.S.

Staff Report When Pope Francis lands in America next week, he will be just the fourth pontiff to visit the nation. All eyes of the world will follow Pope Francis from Rome, to Cuba, and finally to the US of A where he has a loaded schedule. With that in mind, …
Two years into retirement, the legacy of Father Benedict endures

By Ann Schneible CNA/EWTN News Two years to the day since Pope Benedict XVI told the world of his historic decision to step down from the papal office, those impacted by his pontificate say that his legacy is still burning bright. “Pope Benedict’s legacy is really very massive,” said Archbishop …
Pope Francis says Pope Benedict was a ‘great pope’

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Retired Pope Benedict XVI is a perfect example of how intellectual knowledge and scientific curiosity do not lead a person further from God, but can strengthen their love for God and for his human creatures, Pope Francis said. “Benedict XVI was …
Pope Emeritus poses for first selfies
Catholic News Agency ROME — The first “selfie” of retired pontiff Benedict XVI is making the rounds on social networks.
CNS Blog: World Cup becomes ‘The Pope Cup’
From CNS Blog VATICAN CITY — The curiously apt World Cup final match between Argentina and Germany (plus a slowish news day) means Twitter is aflitter with funny memes and hashtags for #PopeCupSunday. (READ MORE HERE) Posted July 10, 2014
Pope Francis, with retired pope, canonizes Sts. John and John Paul

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Canonizing two recent popes in the presence of his immediate predecessor, Pope Francis praised the new Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II as men of courage and mercy, who responded to challenges of their time by modernizing the Catholic …
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI lives low-key life one year after resignation
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In retirement, Pope Benedict XVI follows a daily schedule similar to that of any retired bishop or religious: He prays, reads, strolls, talks with people and offers them spiritual advice, the Vatican spokesman said. Although he “lives in a low-key way, …