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How Michelangelo’s 3 Pietàs speak to a suffering world

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Mar 7, 2022 / 04:00 am As war rages in Ukraine and the pandemic lingers, Michelangelo’s celebrated Vatican Pietà — and two lesser-known figures he also sculpted — can be deeply meaningful to a pain-wracked world, says a priest and art historian. Michelangelo Buonarotti’s Pietà depicts a …
Photo Essay: A replica of the Pieta at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr unveiled the replica of the Pieta at a special Mass Dec. 8 in St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, downtown Cincinnati. You can see the full-sized replica of Michelangelo’s Pieta right now as the statue is available for viewing. This statue is a marble casting made from a …
Event Alert: The Michelangelo Pieta Legacy Mission coming to the Cathedral

An exciting opportunity is being made available at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains – the placement of a Pieta, which will be here for a preview beginning December 8. Save the date and plan to join them for the 11:30 a.m. Mass and unveiling that day. For more information on ArteDivine, …