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Photo Essay
Photo Essay: March for Life 2019

Students, Seminarians, and Parishioners are in Washington DC for the annual March for Life on this anniversary of Roe V. Wade. LIVE COVERAGE FROM EWTN Bishop Fenwick High School cancelled their trip to DC due to weather concerns, so they went to the March for Life event at Planned …
Photo Essay: Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains “Come Let Us Adore”

The headlines were grim on this December 24, 2018. The Dow had dropped 653 points and experts now say we’re in a Bear Market. The Government was partially shut down with no end in sight. Recent polls show Americans divided more than ever. We live in very uncertain times. Yet …
Photo Essay: A great light in the darkness

Each year, Old Saint Mary’s Parish on the Saturday before the Third Sunday of Advent, the faithful set their alarms early so they can attend the Rorate Mass. The Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight. Because it is a votive Mass in Mary’s honor, white vestments are worn instead …
Photo Essay: A replica of the Pieta at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral

Archbishop Dennis Schnurr unveiled the replica of the Pieta at a special Mass Dec. 8 in St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, downtown Cincinnati. You can see the full-sized replica of Michelangelo’s Pieta right now as the statue is available for viewing. This statue is a marble casting made from a …
St. Mary of the Woods Church in Russells Point held its first Eucharistic procession on Sept. 15

St. Mary of the Woods Church in Russells Point held its first Eucharistic procession on Sept. 15. The parish processed to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on the shore of Indian Lake, where parishioners enjoyed a picnic and family activiites. The Eucharistic canopy, purchased in Italy, is a …
Photo Essay: Prayer of Thanksgiving for Maribel Trujillo Diaz

Witness from Mairbel Trujillo Diaz More than anything, first of all, I want to thank my God for being here with my family and all of you. If anyone asks me how a spent those long months apart from my family, I would say “in prayer”. When I arrived at …
Photo Essay: Cincinnati Festival of Faiths

On Sunday, June 24, the Cincinnati Festival of Faiths showcased Cincinnati’s religious diversity, celebrate various religions’ contributions to the community’s quality of life, develop the community’s exemplary interfaith relations and collaboration, and build and enhance interfaith unity. Photographer E.L. Hubbard was there to showcase the event:
Photo Essay: Morning Prayer Holy Thursday at St. Martin of Tours & St. Aloysius Gonzaga

A look at Holy Thursday morning at St. Martin of Tours in Cheviot, and St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Bridgetown.
Photo Essay: Remembering victims of gun violence

Students in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati participated in National Walkout Day to pray for the victims and to an end of gun violence.