Posts Tagged
Photo Essay
PHOTOS: Scenes from the funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

By Daniel Ibañez Vatican City, Jan 5, 2023 / 08:35 am Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, one of the foremost theologians of the 20th century and the first pontiff in nearly 600 years to resign from the papacy, was laid to rest Thursday following a funeral Mass attended by tens of thousands …
PHOTOS: Key moments from Benedict XVI’s papacy

Pope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany in 2005. | Vatican Media By Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Dec 31, 2022 / 03:45 am Pope Benedict XVI’s papacy as told through photos. Election Cardinal Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger was elected the 265th pope of the Catholic Church on April 19, …
Photo Essay: Royalmont Academy at the March for Life

Students from Royalmont Academy High School travelled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the March for Life. They participated in the March and also prayed on the steps of the Capital with Congressman Steve Chabot.
Photo Friday: Mercy McAuley High School celebrated its Class of 2020

On May 19, Mercy McAuley High School celebrated its Class of 2020, on what would have been their Graduation night, with a fun drive-through celebration on campus. Seniors were greeted by employees, coaches, Parent Pack and Sisters of Mercy, and received special gifts along the route. Among these special gifts …
Photo Essay: Wearin of the Green at Badin, but wait, it isn’t March 17th

Today’s Photo Essay takes us to Badin High School in Hamilton. Today is their fundraising day called Give Green Day. On this day green is a prevalent display!
Photo Essay: Congratulations Seton High School Varsity Hip Hop Dance team are National Champs!

The Seton High School dance team are once again national champions, as their team placed first in the nation in the varsity hip-hop division in Orlando, Florida.
Photo Essay: Catholic Schools Week Mass 2020

On Tuesday, January 28, 2020 the Catholic Schools Week Mass for the southern part of the Archdiocese was held at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Bishop Joseph Binzer was the celebrant. The next day, St. Luke is Beavercreek was the host of this annual celebration for the northern …