Posts Tagged
patron saints
There’s a Saint for That

When my family moved into our home almost five years ago, we liked the sweet quiet of the neighborhood and the charm of our little house. We had yet to realize the very best part of living here: our neighbors. The Neighborhood Family, as we all call it, consists of …
St. Charles Borromeo: Patron saint of stomach ailments, dieting — and obesity?

by Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Nov 4, 2022 / 06:00 am St. Charles Borromeo, whose feast day the Catholic Church celebrates Nov. 4, was a cardinal and a prominent teacher of the Catholic faith. He generously donated much of his considerable wealth to charity, and sacrificed his own health …
February 10: St. Scholastica

On Feb. 10, the Catholic Church remembers St. Scholastica, a nun who was the twin sister of St. Benedict, the “father of monasticism” in Western Europe. The siblings were born around 480 to a Roman noble family in Nursia, Italy. Scholastica seems to have devoted herself to God from her …
St. Camillus de Lellis: Patron saint of hospitals, nurses, and the sick

by Jonah McKeown Denver, Colo., Apr 18, 2020 / 12:00 pm (CNA).- St. Camillus de Lellis turned from a life as a soldier and gambler to become a priest and the founder of an order dedicated to caring for the sick. He is the patron saint of hospitals, nurses, and …
Body and Soul: Patron saints of food and drink

By Erin Schurenberg Perhaps the most famous meal in history is The Last Supper. This event occurred in an upper room, not a kitchen. When Jesus cooked, He grilled fish or bread by the beach. Of course, another time, He multiplied those two items of food to feed the …