Posts Tagged
Pastoral Letter
Radiate Christ: A Pastoral Letter to the Faithful of the Archdiocese

To download Archbishop Schnurr’s Pastoral Letter, click Pastoral Letter PDF My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Radiate Christ. These two words summarize God the Father’s hope for humanity on this earth. The words contain both a reality and a mission: the reality of the person of Jesus Christ as …
Seek the Lord: Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

It is almost impossible to exaggerate the devastating effect social isolation has had in recent months on our lives as citizens, as workers and as members of a faith community for whom communal worship is a defining practice. At the same time, however, it has been heartening to hear stories …
Radiate Christ: The Pastoral Letter Study Guide

Welcome! We’re glad that you have decided to study, reflect and pray with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr’s pastoral letter, Radiate Christ. As we anticipate the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Cincinnati, we hope you will seize upon this moment in our Church’s history to deepen your …