Posts Tagged
parish twinning
Ohio and Uganda: Liberty Township Parish Forms Relationship with African Parish & School

by Regan Meyer Liberty Township, OH, and Soroti, Uganda, are worlds apart, but a twinning ministry between St. Maximilian Kolbe parish in Ohio and St. Patrick parish in Uganda has shown that distance and language are hardly barriers when it comes to the love of Christ. It all started when …
Archdiocese to mark Oct. 14 canonization of Blessed Oscar Romero

When the canonization ceremony for Blessed Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, is held in Rome on Oct. 14, Catholics in the archdiocese will be among those celebrating. Archbishop Romero, an outspoken advocate for the poor, was shot and killed March 24, 1980, as he celebrated Mass in a hospital …
Mission special on parish twinning: Cincinnati and Madagascar

“This is seeing the body of Christ in a completely different fashion” By Walt Schaefer In 1999, Divine Providence Sister Francis Maag, visited Madagascar as a representative of her religious community. She returned with a dream. A long-time school principal, Sister Francis was then director of religious education at St. …
Mission special on parish twinning: Honduras and Loveland

Archdiocese staff visits unique parish school for friends at SMOY Holy Family is the only school of its kind in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. There are other Catholic schools, but this one is for students who can’t a ord to pay. Just a block away from the local public …