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After the crash: Homeless men and women help nun clean up Over-the-Rhine church garden

Sister Marie-Cecile was in the parking lot and Father Jon-Paul Bevak was getting ready for catechism class in the hall next to Old St. Mary’s church when they heard the brakes squeal. It’s Over-the-Rhine,” said Father Bevak. “It’s not unusual.” But this time it was anything but usual, even for …
St. Philip Neri Oratory dedicates restored residence

The dedication of Pious House April 18 marked the end of a journey for the Oratory of Philip Neri Community in Formation here, according to Father Jon-Paul Bevak. “Finishing the house was the last expectation,“ he explained, placed on the community in formation by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. In addition …
Volunteer experiences ‘face of homelessness’ at Mary Magdalene House

Once Dave Beitz began learning the names of the people who frequent Mary Magdalene House in Over-the-Rhine, his volunteer service became much more meaningful. “Once you put a name to the face of homelessness, it becomes different. You start seeing these people routinely. You start knowing them. After you’re there …
Chatfield College begins renovation on new Cincinnati campus

Staff Report Chatfield College has commenced the renovation of a historic building for use as its new permanent Cincinnati campus in Over-the-Rhine. Located at 1544 Central Parkway, the 18,000 square foot building will provide a permanent, downtown campus for Chatfield students. The college is currently leasing space at 1800 Logan …
St. Peter Claver Latin School starts new year looking to grow

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph His desk is a Formica-topped table. His office décor is part store room, part closet. Two mourning doves keep watch on him from outside on the windowsill nearby. But when you ask Jonathan Love, headmaster of St. Peter Claver Latin School for Boys what …
Friars Studio brings artistic opportunities to Over-the-Rhine
By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph The renaissance of Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine neighborhood is bringing new restaurants, shops, apartments and galleries into rehabbed buildings that, in many cases, are more than a century old. Inside one of those buildings, another type of renaissance is taking place. People who attend a …
St. Joseph Catholic School in OTR, St. James of the Valley were closed for illness Feb. 22
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph UPDATE: Superintendent Jim Rigg confirmed that St. James of the Valley in Wyoming, Ohio was closed Friday, Feb. 22 for the same reason as St. Joseph in Over the Rhine— illness. Officials from St. James of the Valley could not be reached for further …
‘Haircuts from the Heart’ dedicates new salon
Friday, June 5, 2009 CATHEDRAL DEANERY — Franciscan Haircuts from the Heart, a non-profit that provides professional hair care to the poor and homeless, hosted an open house and dedication of its new Franciscan Daymaker Salon on May 14.