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Out and About in the Archdiocese

1) Respect Life Award Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presented the 2022 Respect Life Award to Denise “Dennie” Stieritz on Jan. 15. A a longtime volunteer for Dayton Right to Life and educator at Carroll High, Stieritz has impacted thousands of students and adults through her pro-life witness and advocacy. 2) …

1) Students Explore Ursuline History Saint Ursula Academy freshmen spent a class period in the Ursulines of Cincinnati Archives, where they learned about the women who were instrumental in founding the Academy and carrying on the legacy of academic excellence. 2) Mary Statue Restored at The Summit A wooden statue …

1) University Eucharistic Procession The Newman Center at Miami University in Oxford, OH, hosted a Eucharistic procession to the center of Miami’s Campus on Nov. 6. Part of the closing ceremony for the 40 hours devotion that weekend, it included students and a faculty member 2) Scientific Journal Publishes Manuscript …

Men’s Eucharistic Procession Nearly 900 men participated in the eighth Annual Men’s Eucharistic Procession on Oct. 15. The event began with Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, followed by the Eucharistic Procession through Downtown Cincinnati and ending with Benediction at Old St. Mary’s. SUA Students Travel …

Queen of Peace Parish in Hamilton replaced their outside cross atop the church that was originally built and erected in 1966. The new cross is larger and lit for the entire Queen Acres neighborhood. They placed the old cross inside the new one. Students witnessed the blessing of the new cross.
Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati! Click photo to click through the photos.