Posts Tagged
Our Lady of Victory Parish
Obituary: Reverend Patrick P. Duffy

Reverend Patrick P. Duffy died on Sunday, November 10, 2024, in Fairfield, Ohio. He was born on March 17, 1941, in Worcester, Massachusetts, and baptized at St. Peter Church, Worcester. He studied Philosophy at St. Joseph College in Indiana and Theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati. He was ordained …
Obituary: Deacon William “Bill” Petrie

Deacon William “Bill” Petrie, a Deacon of the Archdiocese, died on Saturday, November 5, 2022 at the age of 100. Deacon Bill was ordained by Archbishop Joseph Bernardin for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on September 26, 1976. He was among the very first cohort of permanent deacons ordained for the …
Trio of Elder Honors Program Seniors Earn National Merit Finalist Recognition

The National Merit Scholarship Program has determined that Elder High School seniors Sam Harmeyer, Evan Vollmer, and Jared Vornhagen have met all requirements to advance to Finalist standing in the 2020 Competition for National Merit Scholarships! Less than 1% of the 1.5 million juniors from across the country who took …
Obituaries: December

Father Thomas Meyer A Mass of Christian Burial for Father Thomas Meyer was celebrated Dec. 11 at St. Albert the Great Parish in Kettering. Father Meyer, 74, died Dec. 6. A native of Dayton, Father Meyer did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. …
Jubilarians 2018: Oldenburg Franciscans

80 years Sister Irvin Marie Kreimer Sister Irvin entered the Sisters of St. Francis on September 8, 1938 from St. Leo Parish, Cincinnati, and made final vows on August 12, 1944. She taught in the archdiocese at St. Aloysius School, Sayler Park; St. Peter School, Chillicothe; St. Peter School, Hamilton; …
Body and Soul: Faith directs steps of JTM President/CEO

“The greatest gift we’ve got in life is being Catholic.” Tony Maas begins every day with an hour of reflecting on Scripture readings, journaling and asking our Lord to direct his steps. Maas is president and chief executive officer of JTM Food Group in Harrison. The company earned $165 million …
Badin coach sees faith as integral part of football team
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph There is a perception that exists, among critics of Catholic high school athletics, that some schools are little more than glorified “football factories.” These schools, they say, exist to accept alumni donations so they can keep expanding their athletic programs and facilities to the …