Posts Tagged
One Faith One Hope One Love
Capital campaign reaps generous harvest

Every gift counts in One Faith, One Hope, One Love, even if some benefactors might fear their participation doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. But a hill of beans, as it happens, is exactly what a generous farm couple in Shelby County contributed to the archdiocese’s historic capital campaign. …
Parish rebates from One Faith, One Hope, One Love put to work

As part of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s One Faith, One Hope, One Love capital campaign, 20 percent of the funds pledged and received in a parish up to the parish goal are returned directly to fund parish needs. In addition, each parish that exceeds its campaign goal will receive 60% of the overage …
Archdiocesan capital campaign hits $130 million goal

One Faith, One Hope, One Love, the ongoing Archdiocese of Cincinnati capital campaign, announced this week that it has reached it’s minimum fund-raising goal of $130 million. The historic campaign has officially recorded pledges totaling $134,424,051, about 3% over the goal that was set at the start of the effort. The …
Lords’ call louder than worlds’

You’ve probably heard some variation of the expression “He could sell ice to Alaskans.” As a young man, Father Jason Bedel sold ice so successfully that his corporate future look assured. He began work at Home City Ice Co. as a student at Xavier University. “I started as a delivery …
Historic capital campaign takes off; New foundation created
Press Release Archdiocese of Cincinnati In an initiative called “historic” by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has launched a capital campaign to raise $130 million toward securing and growing the vitality of its parishes, schools, social services, and other ministries for decades to come. For The Catholic …
Archdiocese plans to raise $130 million in new campaign

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph An historic fundraising campaign to raise $130 million will launch this month in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and preliminary results indicate it could be a stunning success. For the official press release from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, click HERE. “Every household will be asked …