Posts Tagged
Old St. Mary’s Church
A look back at the 5th Annual Eucharistic Procession

Now is the time to call all Catholic men to be involved in the New Evangelization by being public witnesses to our Catholic faith. On cool, clear October Saturday morning, hundreds of Men and Seminarians began their weekend at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains for Mass at 8:00 …
Did you know: Old St. Mary’s Church in Over-the-Rhine (St. Marien Kirche)

“I’ve been coming down here since the 1960s, and they’ve always had this rathskeller. It’s an old tradition in Germany. They needed someone new to run it, so I’ve done it for probably 20 years now. In Germany, the farmers would come to town and have beer after Mass and …
Men’s Annual Downtown Eucharistic Procession

A Q&A with David Willig – Coordinator for the Downtown Procession To conduct a Eucharistic Procession, a consecrated host in a monstrance is lifted and carried by a priest, who leads the faithful in a public procession. It is a public witness of the Catholic faith that begins and ends …
Relic Pilgrimage stops in Cincinnati

All are invited to this special opportunity to venerate the first-class relic of St. Jean Vianney’s incorrupt heart. It will be on display at Old St. Mary’s Church in Over the Rhine on Tuesday, Jan. 29, from 1 P.M. – 6 P.M. A reflection on St. Jean Vianney will be …
Today’s Video: December in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

In Today’s Video we look at December, a time of Beauty, Grace, and Joy. Take a look at some of the wonder that our parishes, schools, staff, and volunteers make this a true season of Faith, Hope, and Love. 200 years ago the song Stille Nacht (Silent Night) was first …
Today’s Video: A Cincinnati Tradition, the Rorate Mass at Old St Mary’s.

On December 15, 2018 at 6:45 a.m., a large crowd filled Old St. Mary in Over-the-Rhine. This beautiful Mass begins in darkness, and ends at dawn: a reminder of our journey to Christ.
Photo Essay: A great light in the darkness

Each year, Old Saint Mary’s Parish on the Saturday before the Third Sunday of Advent, the faithful set their alarms early so they can attend the Rorate Mass. The Rorate Mass is lit only by candlelight. Because it is a votive Mass in Mary’s honor, white vestments are worn instead …
Crowds pack rare Latin Masses sponsored by Oratory

By Gail Finke Elaborate Latin Masses at two historic Cincinnati churches this month topped off a sacred music retreat for 50 singers from around the country. Sponsored by the Cincinnati Oratory and its two parishes, the retreat featured Kevin Allen and Nicke Lemme, was coordinated by John Schauble, led by …