Posts Tagged
Office of Stewardship
One Faith One Hope One Love: Tuition assistance applications now being accepted

The application period is now open for Catholic school tuition assistance covering the 2017-18 academic year in our archdiocese. Assistance expenditures will include $2 million from benefactors of One Faith, One Hope, One Love. The number and dollar amounts of individual awards will be determined by the board of the …
Three Masses of Thanksgiving planned to celebrate 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal

The 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal remains shy of its goal, but in the wake of the $160 million pledged to the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign, the response is still being seen as generous. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Office of Stewardship issued a press released Wednesday announcing three …
CMA campaign supports archdiocesan ministries
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Making large numbers out of smaller numbers is Michael Vanderburgh’s vocation. The jovial director the archdiocesan Office of Stewardship has launched the 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) knowing there are fewer Catholics in the archdiocese and knowing he has a tougher goal for this …