Posts Tagged
Office for Respect Life
Being Pro Life: Racism Is an Issue of Dignity

A young, African-American, Catholic boy was at Mass at his local elementary school. He entered the communion line and properly held out his hands to receive, but the lay minister refused him. In this case, despite him presenting properly, she presumed the student wasn’t Catholic simply because he was black. …
Being Pro Life: Reaching out to those who have had an abortion

I remember walking into the church and I was shaking. I went into the confessional and I sat behind the screen, and I think that the only thing I said was that I had an abortion. The priest told me that I had done the unforgivable, and I left the …
Reconciliation through sharing: Project Rachel helps women heal after abortion leaves scars

By Erin Schurenberg Mary Anne Boyd played a grassroots role in developing the resources and programming of the Project Rachel ministry for southwestern Ohio, as Respect Life director for the Cincinnati archdiocese in 1994. Although Boyd retired in 2013, she remains actively involved in Project Rachel ministry as a volunteer …
Being Pro Life for October: The full-service work of Pregnancy Care Centers

By Bob Wurzelbacher “In the waiting room, there were so many other women in my same situation. They were crying. I asked the lady, ‘What do you do with the baby after the procedure?’ and she told me they just throw them away. And even though I wasn’t ready to …
Cross the Bridge for Life 2018

Thousands of people from both sides of the Ohio River gathered at the Newport Festival Park Sunday for the 13th annual Cross the Bridge for Life. Both Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr (Cincinnati) and Bishop Roger Foys (Covington) made the walk across the “Purple People Bridge” and back, and offered their …
Cross the Bridge for Life turns 13; no end of growth in sight for joyful event

By Gail Finke With little publicity, an annual family celebration of the gift of life continues to grow. Thousands assemble in Newport every year for Cross the Bridge for Life, a hybrid event that’s part street festival and part fitness walk – with prayer, food, music, and family activities along …
Breaking News: Senate vote to prevent filibuster on 20-week abortion ban fails

by Courtney Grogan Washington D.C., Jan 29, 2018 / 04:30 pm (CNA).- A procedural vote on a Senate bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks failed on the evening of Jan. 29, after more than three hours of debate. The cloture motion, which would have prevented a filibuster on the …
The U.S. Senate votes Monday on the Pain Capable unborn Child Protection Act

Archbishop Schnurr invites you to support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: This legislation, which prohibits abortion after 20 weeks gestation on the scientific evidence that fetuses can feel pain by that point, passed the House on Oct. 3, and is now in the Senate as S.2311. A vote is …
Respect Life Weekend: September 30th – October 1st.

Respect Life Weekend is September 30th through October 1st. To learn more: For more information or to donate to the Respect Life Fund, click here
Scenes from Cross the Bridge for Life 2017

Sponsored by 20 pro-life organizations in Ohio and Northern Kentucky, including the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the Diocese of Covington, Cross the Bridge for Life is an annual celebration of life in all stages and at all ages. This year thousands of people (number not yet available) crossed the bridge …