Posts Tagged
October 2023
Catholic High School Open House 2023

LEHMAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m. 2400 St. Marys Ave., Sidney (937) 498-1161 ROYALMONT ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE: Wednesday, Nov. 15 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 200 Northcrest Dr., Mason (513) 754-0555 THE SUMMIT COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Thursday Nov. 16 6:30 …
Frequently Asked Questions about Issue 1

What is Issue 1? Issue 1 is a proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would endanger the health and safety of women, threaten parental rights, and allow for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Ohioans will vote on November 7, 2023, whether to make this change to the …
What can you do to stop Issue 1 from passing?

Pray: Prayer is our most powerful tool in times like these. The 54-day rosary novena has already started, but you can join now. Get daily reminders by signing up for a daily email reminder with novena prayers at FAST: As Jesus taught, some things can only be overcome through …
Talking about Abortion: Why our Language Matters

On November 7, 2023, Ohioans will vote to approve or reject an amendment to the Ohio Constitution, proposing to enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. Drafted and financed by militant pro-abortion advocacy groups, the approved amendment would enable Ohio to have the most extreme abortion law imaginable. Properly read and …
Explaining with Charity

I know I have to tell my family and friends about my reasons for opposing the forthcoming pro-abortion ballot initiative in Ohio, but I want to do it in a way that is charitable and—if possible—doesn’t ruin lifelong friendships. Please help! I will do my best to help; let’s pause, …
Pregnancy Care Centers: An Antidote to Fear

Every day a scared pregnant woman walks into one of Ohio’s 130 pregnancy help centers. She may not have told a soul she is pregnant, or she may have already been scolded that she is too young, too poor, or too incompetent to parent. She may bring the baby’s father, …
The Gift of Moral Law

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). In the second major part of TOB, Pope St. John Paul II guides us in exploring the implications of our redemption in Christ and the moral teaching of the New …
I have Project Rachel to thank for my life today

In our life’s journey, we often encounter moments of profound pain and grief that can leave us feeling lost and alone. The loss of a child through abortion is one such instance that many women and men quietly carry in their hearts. Amid this silent suffering, a beacon of hope …