Posts Tagged
October 2022
Saints of the Eucharist: Saint John Paul II

Papal Cross Stencil Template Born May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, Karol “Lolek” Józef Wojtyla was familiar with hardship from a young age. He lost all of his family members by the time he was 21, and World War II began soon after. He worked in a factory by day …
Meet the New Seminarians: Evan Sharp

Evan Sharp I was born and raised in Cincinnati. I attended The Ohio State University from 2016 to 2017, as an astrophysics major. In Fall 2017, I transferred to the University of Cincinnati. Shortly thereafter I reverted to my Catholic faith and changed my major to philosophy, graduating in 2021. …
Meet the new Seminarians: David Morand

David Morand I am originally from Sidney, where my home parish of Holy Angels is located. I was fortunate to grow up in a strong Catholic household, which laid a solid foundation for me. My parents are Mike and Brenda Morand, and I’m the youngest of three children. I have …
50 years a Deacon

On Oct. 15, Deacon Susano Mascorro of St. Helen Church in Riverside celebrates 50 years as a permanent deacon. His journey of faith began in the Diocese of San Antonio in 1972, when he became one of the first deacons ordained in the U.S. “I grew up in Laredo, Texas, …
Prison Ministry A Humble place to Serve

by Patricia McGeever Wait-listed last year for her fall college semester, Maria DeRoo asked God what she should do with this newfound time. The answer landed her in a women’s prison as a volunteer with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s prison ministry. “It’s been a very humbling place to go and …
Demanding More than We Can Give

“The human person is a good toward which the only proper attitude is love.” – Pope St. John Paul II This year my husband has become somewhat of a hobbyist at having surgery. Afflicted with various health problems, he submitted each to medical experts who responded with, “We need to …
A Voice for the Voiceless

This year marks Dayton Right to Life’s golden anniversary for providing services to mothers and families in the archdiocese’s northern region. It formed in May 1972 when area individuals recognized the growing threat to the sanctity of life. “[When I spoke] with our founders and our founders’ children, I was …
Meet the Missionaries

Sister Elaine Kohls Medical Missioner Sister Elaine Kohls is a good example. Originally from St. Mary Church in Hyde Park just east of Cincinnati, she has lived most of her last 54 years in Ghana and Ethiopia. From an early age she knew that mission was her calling. During a …
Four Harmonies

This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB). Up to this point, our reflections have focused on God’s original plan for humanity as manifest in the state and experiences of our first parents in the beginning. Their experiences are …
Adaptive Sacrament Preparation

By Patricia McGeever Bryce McBee was just a baby when his parents noticed he wasn’t hitting developmental milestones, walking and talking were both delayed. At age two, he was diagnosed with Autism, and his parents, Kim and Jaime McBee, started along the path of parents with a special needs child. …