Posts Tagged
October 2015
Notre Dame Tabernacle Society makes vestments for missionary priests

By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph Priests in poor parts of India, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Haiti and many other nations are able to say Mass and administer the sacraments thanks in part to the operation inside the basement of a Hamilton home. The common thread between the two is …
Q&A: What is the purpose of the homily?

Dear Father: What’s the purpose of a homily? Is it to reflect on the scriptures, to teach or give catechism, to talk about the saint of the day or current events? Dear Reader: The answer to your questions can be found in recent church documents. Your question deals with the …
Lay missionaries offer warm welcome at West Virginia hospitality house

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Their faith initially brought Brian and Kathleen DeRouen together as graduate students at the University of Dayton and ultimately let the couple to a hilltop house in West Virginia where all are welcomed with compassion and open arms. Brian originally hails from the …
Living a spiritual life in a high-tech world
Running through the airport, you realize you’re late for your flight. You forgot your watch, so you ask a well-dressed young business traveler for the time. He pulls out his cell phone to give you the time. You think to yourself, “Hmmm… he forgot his watch too.” It’s time for …
Sister’s efforts inspire students to support missions

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Rose William Herzog has never served as a missionary herself, but she strongly believes in supporting mission efforts and encouraging others to do the same. The longtime educator is dedicated to doing so through her fundraising efforts at …
Seminarian’s time with Missionaries of Charity a “great blessing”

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Just after 4 a.m. on a hot summer morning, Jacob Willig found himself walking the poor streets of Calcutta, India. Walking cautiously amid the smell of burning trash and past people who lived on the streets (his hostel didn’t open until 9:30 a.m.) — …
World Mission Month: A letter from Archbishop Schnurr
Editor’s Note: October is World Mission Month. The following letter from The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr originally appeared in the mission section of the October 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. Dear Missionary Disciples, First, let me express my gratitude to all the members of Archdiocese of Cincinnati …