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Obituary: Father Carl A. Birarelli

Father Carl A. Birarelli died on February 12, 2021, in Sarasota, Florida. He was born on October 30, 1926, in Everett, Massachusetts. He was ordained on June 15, 1958 for the Congregation of the Missionary of St. Charles as a member of the Scalibrini Fathers by Archbishop William O’Brien, Auxiliary …
Obituary: Reverend Edward G. Trippel

Reverend Edward G. Trippel passed away on February 7, 2021 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born in Cincinnati on March 4, 1928. He did his preparatory studies at St. Gregory Seminary and studied theology at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, Norwood, Ohio. He was ordained on May 28, …
Obituary: Sister Patricia Murray, SNDdeN

Sister Patricia Murray, SNDdeN (formerly Sister William Marie) April 10, 1926- January 9, 2021 Although Donna McGargill’s Servant Song was copyrighted long after Pat Murray’s Entrance and profession in Notre Dame, it seems to capture what was in her heart back then: “What do you want of me, Lord? / …
Obituary: Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Jo D’Amico, SNDdeN May 26, 1931 – January 12, 2021 “You do more good by training one good teacher than by looking after a hundred boarders.” (Saint Julie Billiart, p. 67, To Heaven on Foot) Mary Josephine D’Amico was the oldest child and only daughter in a close-knit …
Obituary: Sister Anne Denise Blake, SNDdeN

Sister Anne Denise Blake, SNDdeN August 14, 1929 – January 5, 2021 By her own account, Anne Denise’s introduction to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur was an artistic rendering of St. Julie’s mantra How good is the good God. There it was, front and center, in her freshman …
Obituary: Sister Genevieve Moran, SNDdeN

Sister Genevieve Moran, SNDdeN February 22, 1926 – January 8, 2021 True charity has for its basis, above all, the spirit of faith. This spirit of faith makes us see, respect, love and serve Our Lord Jesus Christ in each one of our Sisters. The spirit of faith makes all …
Obiturary: Sister Gwen Koza, SNDdeN

Sister Gwen Koza SNDdeN May 4, 1927 – December 29, 2020 Mildred Gwendolyn Koza was the oldest child of Thomas and Mildred Koza. Gwen’s father died before Gwen’s third birthday, leaving her mother with Gwen and a newborn baby. Mrs. Koza left Gwen with her paternal grandparents in Michigan City, …
Obituary: Sister Mary Margaret Fischer, SNDdeN

Sister Mary Margaret Fischer SNDdeN June 28, 1927 – December 17, 2020 Mary Margaret Fischer, the fifth child and third daughter of a working-class family, was born just in time to have vivid memories of growing up during the Great Depression. Her parents were both of German descent. Her father’s …
Obituary: Father Jack Wintz OFM

Cincinnati – Fr. Jack Wintz, OFM. He was a teacher, a missionary, an award-winning journalist, and an author whose books brought comfort to grieving pet owners. A man of many talents, Fr. Jack Wintz, OFM, died Jan. 11 in Cincinnati at the age of 84. In his long and distinguished …
Obituary – Sister Ann Catherine Lehmkuhl, CPPS

Lehmkuhl, Sister Ann Catherine, 88, died peacefully on Dec. 5 at Hospice of Dayton after a short illness. She was born June 1932 in Minster, Ohio, and entered the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, Ohio, August 1948. She faithfully served God and His people for 72 years. Private services …