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Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Welcome Novice Karina Montes-Ayala

Delhi Township, Ohio – Members of the Sisters of Charity Community welcomed Karina Montes-Ayala into the Canonical Novitiate during a vespers service Sunday, June 9, 2024, in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse. The purpose of the one-year Canonical Novitiate is to enable Karina to learn …
Sister of the Precious Blood enters novitiate

DAYTON — Amid smiles and hugs, Francisca Belarmina (Bela) Mis Guamuche entered the novitiate of the Sisters of the Precious Blood on Jan. 15 during a prayerful 40-minute ceremony at Salem Heights, the congregation’s central house in Dayton. As a novice, Bela wears the congregational insignia and holds the title “sister.” …