Posts Tagged
November 2023
Saintly Intercession

Can we ask for the intercession of our deceased relatives and friends, or is such prayer proper only to canonized saints? When we think of prayers and the deceased, we likely think of praying for our deceased family members and friends. But is it possible to pray to the dead …
Stewardship and the Universal Destination of Goods

The first two chapters of Genesis are the foundation of Catholic moral theology, including its teaching on stewardship. Rather than communicate the mechanics of creation, the beginning of Genesis communicates something about the purpose, nature and order of created reality. More to the point, the emphasis in Genesis 1 and …
Why is it Hard to Talk About Stewardship?

I kept asking myself that question as I endeavored to write this column. Maybe it’s the thought of asking for something (even though we voluntarily and willingly give on a monthly basis). Maybe it’s because talking about money often makes people uncomfortable. In my quest to think more about stewardship …
A Multi-Team Effort of Good Deeds

Catholic schools have long embraced a spirit of wholesome competition in athletics, but sometimes opponents join together for a good cause. Elder High School’s football team hosted Philadelphia- based Saints Neumann Goretti High School for a week- two contest at The Pit this season. While the Panthers came out on …
Students Pray for Souls

St. Gertrude Catholic School seventh grader Grace Schare looked forward to cleaning graves for a second year at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Cincinnati. In fact, all 90 sixth, seventh and eighth graders were excited about their trip there last month for Make a Difference Day, the largest national day …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for November 2023

For the Pope We pray for the Holy Father; as he fulfills his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
All Saints Day [at Maria Stein Shrine] will be big this year.

While the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics may not have relics from every saint, its celebration of All Saints Day will be big this year. Already having one of the largest relic collections in the United States, from over 850 saints, they are expanding this historic collection with …
Seek the Lord for November 2023

In his encyclical Evangelium Vitae on the value and inviolability of human life, Pope St. John Paul II speaks about God’s call for each person to share in the fullness of life for all eternity with Him. Even during our life in this temporal, physical world, we participate in the …
Busca Al Senor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

En su encíclica Evangelium Vitae sobre el valor y la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, el Papa San Juan Pablo II habla del llamado de Dios a cada persona a compartir la plenitud de la vida por toda la eternidad con Él. Incluso durante nuestra vida en este mundo físico …