Posts Tagged
November 2022
I’ve got the Joy down in my heart

When I was a little girl, my sister and I sang the children’s Bible school song lyrics: “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” We sang it with complete abandon, at full volume, with our heads thrown back. We meant it and felt it. As the …
What do you want out of Life?

What do you want out of life? That’s a big question, right? I think we all, on some level, want our lives to be full and joyful. What does it mean to be joyful? You could say a lot of things in response to this question. Perhaps that joy is …
Rejoice in the Lord

Marianist Father Bob Jones Embraces Vocation with Goodness and Hope by Kary Ellen Berger Rejoicing is one characteristic Father Bob Jones, SM, has embodied throughout his life from school, to priesthood and everywhere in between. A Fort Wayne, IN, native, Father Jones graduated from the University of Dayton (UD) with …
Authentic Joy

The Gospel teaches us that those blessed with earthly riches should strive to share their riches with our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate. Sometimes, the riches are an abundance of food and clothing; other times, it is the wisdom and grace to recognize a purpose God placed on …
The Bees Knees

Finding joy in little things by Eileen Connelly, OSU What brings us joy varies from person to person. Father George Jacquemin finds joy in a hobby that connects him to his roots and God’s creation: beekeeping. Raised on the family farm in Fairfield, Father Jacquemin often played with beekeeping equipment …
Practice Living with Joy

The Good Samaritan Home in Haiti houses people who are elderly or have disabilities, and it recently welcomed Darcy. He struggles with mental health challenges, but came to the home because a car ran over his legs, breaking both severely. Thankfully, after several infections and a few operations, Darcy is …
Joy of Christ

Found in the Students and Chaplain at Royalmont Academy by John Stegeman When one has their eyes and heart fixed on Jesus, any occasion can be one of joy—even the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Although the feast focuses on sadness, Legionaries of Christ Father Jesús Salinas said that’s …
The Baptism of John

The Scriptures speak about the “baptism of John,” which seems different from Christian baptism. After baptizing Jesus, did John the Baptist continue to baptize, and if so, did he begin to baptize in Jesus’s name? The Acts of the Apostles speak several times about John baptizing people: the “baptism of …
Joy is in the “How” Not the “What”

In Lucinda Williams’ song, “Joy,” the narrator tells an unknown person (presumably a former lover), “I don’t want you anymore/‘Cause you took my joy.” Complaining, “You got no right to take my joy/I want it back,” the narrator announces his quest to recover his joy by searching in specific geographic …
The Eucharist is the Key to Connection with Others

Catholics and non-Catholics alike struggle to comprehend the reality of Jesus in the Eucharist, but the Eucharist is not meant to be comprehended. As the undisputed Highest form of God’s Love in the Church, we cannot begin to comprehend it. If we try to understand it, we will always be …