Posts Tagged
November 2021

El Día de Todas las Almas sigue inmediatamente al Día de Todos los Santos en el calendario de la Iglesia por una buena razón: la Constitución Dogmática de la Iglesia del Vaticano II, Lumen Gentium, reafirma nuestra antigua fe como Católicos “del consorcio vital con nuestros hermanos que se hallan …
Five Lies and a Question about Vocations

Your vocation is the single most important aspect of your life. Living out your vocation will lead to happiness. Failing to live out your vocation will lead to dismay. All of that is true, but doesn’t it also sound a little terrifying? Whether you are trying to discern your vocation, …
The Best Laid Plans

Momma, I don’t feel so good.” Those dreaded words always send a flurry of thoughts running through my mind, especially when uttered on a weekday morning. Out comes the thermometer, and when the inevitable 100.8 degrees registers on the screen, my husband and I start quickly recalculating our plans for …
Synodality: Walking with Christ. The Holy Spirit and The Virgin Mary

This article is part of a series from Father Earl Fernandes exploring Families of Parishes. Click the links below to find other articles in the series. The Church as the Family of God Families of Parishes as Evangelizing Communities Being a Synodal Church Synodality in the Church of the Church …