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‘Nones’ now largest religious category in U.S., new report says

By Peter Pinedo Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 25, 2024 / 17:55 pm Religiously unaffiliated people, often referred to as “nones,” now make up the largest religious category in the U.S., according to a new report by the Pew Research Center. Pew’s new report, released Jan. 24, shows that nones now account for …
Report: Church membership among Catholics declined nearly 20% since 2000

Washington D.C., Mar 29, 2021 / 03:51 pm MT (CNA).- The percentage of Catholics who say they are a “member” of a church has dropped by nearly 20 points since the year 2000, according to a new report by Gallup released on Monday. Among respondents who said they were Catholic, …
Embracing an Expectant Catholicism

Wow, what an adventure. I just got back from Michigan, where I spent a week with an apostolate called St. Paul Street Evangelization (“SPSE”), bringing the Gospel to absolute strangers. Me. I did that. Nicholas Hardesty, the most introverted guy you will ever meet, walked up to random people in …