Posts Tagged
Nicholas Hardesty
Nicholas Hardesty Sieze the moment for April: How to respond to the transgender movement

By Nick Hardesty One day, Charles Dickens sat in a coffee shop. Actually, it was a “coffee room,” as indicated on the glass door of the establishment. Dickens had read that sign and frequented rooms like it many times. But, on this day, he happened to read the sign from …
Nicholas Hardesty Seize the Moment for February: How to explain and defend the faith

Over many years of speaking and writing about religion, I have developed a few guidelines for explaining and defending the Catholic faith. Stick to these principles and you will grow as a catechist (a teacher of the faith) and an apologist (a defender of the faith). Be informed: You can’t …
Introducing Nicholas Hardesty Column: Seize the Moment

Your faith can come alive at any moment of your day. “Daddy, why is the priest dressed like Jesus?” your son asks you during Mass. You freeze. No one’s ever asked you that before. What do you do? You can shush him, or you can teach him something about the …