Posts Tagged
Nicholas Hardesty
Seize the Moment: Going for It in Prayer, Like a Prophet Would

I work with some amazing people. I’m talking one-of-a-kind people. Passionate. On-fire-for-the-Lord people. Honest-to-God disciples on mission. It’s rare, awesome and a complete honor. But it has also been very humbling and convicting, and it has made me realize that I have a lot of learning and growing to do. …
Seize the Moment: Evangelization is Better Together

A few weeks ago I did something I’ve never done before: I worked on a food truck. A friend of mine owns one that specializes in gourmet hotdogs. I happened to be on vacation on a day when he needed extra help, so I jumped in and got to work. …
Embracing an Expectant Catholicism

Wow, what an adventure. I just got back from Michigan, where I spent a week with an apostolate called St. Paul Street Evangelization (“SPSE”), bringing the Gospel to absolute strangers. Me. I did that. Nicholas Hardesty, the most introverted guy you will ever meet, walked up to random people in …
Seize the Moment Mediatrix: The month of May and the neglected church teaching about Mary

May is a magnificent month. Spring is here. The sun is shining. Life is emerging from its slumber. In Catholic tradition, this month of light, warmth, and motherhood is also devoted to the mother of Jesus. May is the “month of Mary,” and so it is fitting for us to …
Being Pro Life: Supporting parents of autistic children at Mass

We felt like we had two choices. We could either stay home, or we could go to church, and try to do the best we could. So we would go, and we would stand in the back and Kyle would fidget and sometimes pace a little bit—and we would just …
Seize the Moment: “What do you want me to do, Lord?”

We all know someone who is wrestling with this question. It could be a child, a spouse, a coworker, or a friend. If they see us as holy or knowledgeable, if we are close with them or in authority over them, they may ask us, “What do you think I …
Seize the Moment: Seize the season of reaching out, drawing near

The season of Advent is filled with unique symbols, colors, and liturgical oddities. If we know a bit about them, then we can share them with others. More than that, a knowledge of these “signs of the time” can make Advent a season of genuine peace and holy preparation. The …
Evangelization: It’s not just a word, it starts within each of us

I have a confession to make. In my focus on how to discuss the teachings of the church with others, I have neglected an important first step: Evangelization. I touched on it when I wrote about my beard evangelizing people. (It’s true, see my column for July: Click here). But, …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr for October

Most of us learned as children that the word “Catholic” means “universal.” We even refer sometimes to the “universal Church” to remind us that we are part of more than just the “local Church,” which is our Archdiocese. The Church is universal because it encompasses the entire earth. Every spot …
Hardesty for June: Five ways to keep your faith on campus

You just graduated from high school. Congratulations! Now college is on the horizon, a time full of promise and possibility. You will learn a lot, meet interesting people, choose a career, and possibly even find the person you will marry. You will also make important decisions about your faith …