Posts Tagged
new citizen
Dry Ridge Students Witness Naturalization Ceremony

by Madison Burton Junior high students greeted the soon-to-be citizens with excitement and curiosity. As immigrants walked through the doors of the gym of St. John the Baptist School in Dry Ridge, the Honorable Michael R. Barret, U.S. District Court Judge, prepared to declare the gym a courtroom. Dec. 6 …
A Picture Says a Thousand Words: Father is a Citizen

Candy Hartman, a parishioner at St Matthias the Apostle, originally posted this photo on Instagram and allowed us to share it here. Taken Feb. 3, it shows the Winton Wyoming Pastoral Region’s parochial vicar, Father Lambert Ulinzwenimana, after becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen. “We always have a little pot-luck breakfast after our fist …