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THE FINAL WORD with Beth Pettigrew

Youth ministry began at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Reading in the fall of 1998, and, soon afterwards, we began seeking opportunities for the compulsory “mission trip.” We didn’t have to look far. At the same time, our Parish Mission Commission was filing the paperwork to recognize a small …
Celebrating World Mission Sunday: Serving the Navajo Nation in Challenging Times

by Eileen Connelly, OSU In describing her ministry to the Navajo people, Sister of the Blessed Sacrament Zoe Brenner simply says, “I’m just doing what God is calling me to do.” But there is much more to it for the Reading, Ohio, native who entered religious life in 1966. Her …
Friar feels ‘blessed’ by mission experience

Franciscan Father Blane Grein has been a priest for 56 years. Most of that time has been spent in mission work, for which the friar is grateful. “I feel I’m a very blessed individual,” he said. He originally hails from St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Carthage, and recalls an early …
Navajo visitors make lasting impression at area parish

By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph A little muscle and manpower from the Navajo Nation has left a lasting impression on Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Reading. The parish has a twinning relationship with St. Mary’s Mission in Tohatchi, N.M. Parishioners have made 11 mission trips to New …