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Today’s Video: St. John the Baptist

The Nativity of John the Baptist on June 24 comes three months after the celebration on March 25 of the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was in her sixth month of pregnancy, and six months before the Christmas celebration of the birth of Jesus. …
St. Francis and the story of the first Nativity scene

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Dec 23, 2023 / 07:00 am It’s a well-known origin story: how the young and wealthy Francis of Assisi freely abandoned his noble patrimony to serve Christ’s Church as a poor, itinerant preacher. One of the world’s most beloved saints, the founder of the Franciscan …
Catholics can receive a plenary indulgence by praying before a Nativity scene

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Nov 25, 2023 / 08:00 am This year, Catholics will be able to receive a plenary indulgence from Dec. 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to Feb. 2, 2024, the feast of the Presentation in the Temple of Our …
12 saints’ quotes about the true meaning of Christmas

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 24, 2021 / 17:00 pm While the saints offer unique insights into Christmas, they also touch on similar themes: hope, joy, and the unconditional love of God for each and every person. In celebration of Baby Jesus’ birth, here are 12 saints’ quotes …
10 things that Pope Francis wants us to learn from the nativity scene

by CNA Staff Greccio, Italy, Dec 17, 2021 / 04:00 am In 2019, Pope Francis issued an apostolic letter on the meaning and importance of the Christmas nativity scene. He signed the document, Admirabile signum (“Enchanting image”), on Dec. 1 that year, at the Shrine of the Nativity in Greccio, a hilltown in the …
First known nativity scene figurines can now be seen in St. Mary Major Basilica

by Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Dec 23, 2020 / 11:00 am MT (CNA).- The first known nativity scene figurines are on display this Christmas in one of Rome’s oldest basilicas. The underground Chapel of the Nativity in the Basilica of St. Mary Major — known to Italians as Santa Maria …
Nativities Across the Globe

The collection of crèches the University of Dayton (UD) holds is a sight like no other. The university’s Marian Library houses more than 3,600 displays from more than 100 countries. “The Marian Library was founded by the Society of Mary in 1943 and includes books, archival collections such as photographs …
A Question of Faith: Perspectives on the Magi

Can you help me understand the timing and place of the Magi’s visit? We are told Joseph started the flight into Egypt after the birth of Jesus. But we also know that Jesus was presented to God in the Temple at Jerusalem. When did the Magi come and where? Your …
Pope Francis: Nativity scenes show a ‘domestic Gospel’

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 18, 2019 / 03:12 am (CNA).- Pope Francis Wednesday called Christmas nativity scenes a “domestic Gospel,” which helps to make the Holy Family present in one’s home. He also encouraged every family to have one in their home at Christmas time. During his last …
A question of faith: When was the birth of Christ? We cannot be sure

Q: Was Christ born on Dec. 25 in the year A.D. 1? A: We cannot be sure of the day and month, nor the year, of Jesus’ birth. Many scholars date the Nativity to several years before the traditional first year of the Lord (Anno Domini or A.D. 1) This …