Posts Tagged
Mount Saint Marys Seminary and School of Theology
Formation Candidates Installed in Ministry of Acolyte

The Most Rev. Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, installed 12 Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology (MTSM) seminarians in the Ministry of Acolyte on November 4 in the Chapel of St. Gregory the Great. There are three formal steps required by the Church prior to one’s being …
Live Tonight! Solemn Vespers at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology

Solemn Vespers, Sunday, November 8 at 7 pm, will be the second performance of our 2020-2021 Music & Liturgy at the Athenaeum. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the concert will be available to the public online only. Members of the Mount St. Mary’s Latin Schola will perform music in …
Solemn Vespers at the Athenaeum this year is online!

Solemn Vespers is this Sunday, October 11 at 7 pm. This is the first performance of the 2020-2021 Music & Liturgy at the Athenaeum season. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the concert will be available to the public online only. They will broadcast the performance live via MTSM LIVE. Playback …
Supporting Seminarians: Endowment Paints Bright Future for Northern Archdiocese

by Kary Ellen Barger Supporting seminarians for years to come: A gift established into an endowment will make that possible for several seminarians. A family from the northern part of the archdiocese, who wished to remain anonymous, established the fund. Their parents, prior to their passing, asked their children to …
Returning to Seminary: Catholic Telegraph Intern Reflects on Unique Year

by Christopher Buschur Last semester began normally for seminarians with the usual routine of communal prayer, classes and social obligations. Even after spring break in March, life seemed normal. However, as the reality of pandemic began to set in, life evolved on a seemingly daily basis. I don’t think the …
Father David Doseck: Eaton Priest’s Vocation Formed & Forged by Childhood Examples

by Mark Danis Father David Doseck remembers knowing as a child that Jesus Christ was a real person. He also knew Jesus loved him. Today, encountering love is the heart of this busy priest’s lifelong vocation. Father Doseck is the Pastor of St. Mary Church in Camden, St. John Church …
Forging Connection: “Be of Good Cheer, I have Overcome the World”

by Mark Danis There is a lexicon evolving in our nation’s response to COVID-19 that the Church must reject. Terms like quarantine, isolation and social distancing can lead us to retreat, withdrawal and avoidance. But Christ’s words demand a proactive response to our current situation. We must take this time …