Posts Tagged
Mother’s day
A Mother’s Day Prayer

A Mother’s Love There are times when only a mother’s love Can understand our tears, Can soothe our disappoints And calm all of our fears. There are times when only a mother’s love Can share the joy we feel When something we’ve dreamed about Quite suddenly is real. There are …
Mother’s Day: 12 Catholic Quotes on the Beauty of Motherhood

By Katie Yoder Washington D.C., May 8, 2022 / 06:20 am On Mother’s Day, Catholics recognize two important figures: our mother, and Mary, Mother of God. In celebration of all that mothers do, here are 12 quotes from saints and other Catholic figures on the beauty and significance of motherhood: 1. St. …
A Priest’s Perspective: Our Heroic Mothers

Ten years ago, my friend was preparing to move to Baltimore. Before the move, she made a request: “Mom is getting a little forgetful. Could you look in on her and bring her Communion?” I agreed and each Friday I met with a remarkable mother of eight who raised her …
Shine On: To the Single Mothers on Mothers Day

I never thought of my mom as a single mother but, objectively, she was. My parents divorced when I was nine. From then on, it was just my older sister, my younger brother and me living at home with Mom. Maybe it was because Dad was still around and we …
Let’s Celebrate Mom

We all show love in different ways. When thinking about how to honor the mother figures in your life this Mother’s Day, consider the five love languages. They can be a helpful starting point to direct you to the perfect gift. What’s your mother’s love language? Unsure? Think about how …
Mind and Soul: Our Debt to Imperfect Motherly Love

“Tell me about your mother…” Many a joke about my profession begins with these words spoken in an Austrian accent in imitation of Sigmund Freud. While many therapists downplay our connection to Freud, it is true that we tend to place heavy emphasis on the role of the mother in …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

It is quite fitting that Mother’s Day in the U.S. is celebrated during May, the month in which we especially honor Mary – Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of the Church and our Blessed Mother. Mary is often called the first disciple, but she is much more than that. Mary …
This ministry is hosting a virtual retreat for infertile people on Mother’s Day

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, May 8, 2020 / 05:29 pm MT (CNA).- Mother’s Day is going to look different for most families this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic. For Catholics, some churches are in the process of slowly re-opening public Masses, but the dispensation from the Sunday obligation …
A Mother’s Day Prayer

A Mother’s Love There are times when only a mother’s love Can understand our tears, Can soothe our disappoints And calm all of our fears. There are times when only a mother’s love Can share the joy we feel When something we’ve dreamed about Quite suddenly is real. There are …
Happy Mothers Day!

For your Mothers Day, a special performance of Salve Regina, from the Seminarians at the Athenaeum of Ohio Salve Regina mater miseri cordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra salve Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae Ad te suspiramis gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle Eia ergo advocata nostra, illos …