Posts Tagged
Mothers and Mary
Let’s Celebrate Mom

We all show love in different ways. When thinking about how to honor the mother figures in your life this Mother’s Day, consider the five love languages. They can be a helpful starting point to direct you to the perfect gift. What’s your mother’s love language? Unsure? Think about how …
A Closer Look: The Things She Carried In Her Heart

In his collection of connected short stories, The Things They Carried, author Tim O’Brien drives the narrative arcs of his characters – American soldiers in the Vietnam War – by listing inventories of the things they carried in their backpacks, pockets, helmets and utility belts. The soldiers don’t talk about …
Sewing Faith: Kathleen West launched Ethically Sourced Boutique inspired by Motherhood & Faith

by Jessica Rinaudo Entrepreneurs have many sources of inspiration when launching a new product or jumping into a new endeavor, and Kathleen West is no exception. Her inspiration is rooted in the divine and her vocation as a mother. West, and her husband, Ben, are from opposite sides of the …
Catholic at Home: Pouring Ourselves into Others

“An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.” – Aiden W. Tozer (The Christy Wright Show, ep. …
Mind and Soul: Our Debt to Imperfect Motherly Love

“Tell me about your mother…” Many a joke about my profession begins with these words spoken in an Austrian accent in imitation of Sigmund Freud. While many therapists downplay our connection to Freud, it is true that we tend to place heavy emphasis on the role of the mother in …
Letters About Mom

EMILY ALESHIRE MULVEY, IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY PARISH, ANDERSON TOWNSHIP One year ago, my mom was actively dying from a brain tumor. Her illness was short but severe, she was diagnosed on Dec. 26, 2019, and passed away on Mar. 28, 2020. As I journey past all those one-year milestones: …
St. X’s Mothers Club
Mothers Club leaders, Cindy Sizemore and Kate Feldman, have done an outstanding job of adjusting traditions during COVID-19. The club has offered new social and spiritual opportunities to its members, while continuing to serve the St. Xavier High School (St. X) community. Mothers Club members created packets for each Freshman …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

It is quite fitting that Mother’s Day in the U.S. is celebrated during May, the month in which we especially honor Mary – Mother of the Redeemer, Mother of the Church and our Blessed Mother. Mary is often called the first disciple, but she is much more than that. Mary …
Editor’s Note: What’s It Like To Be A Mom?

Growing up, my faith was the unquestioning faith of a child. I couldn’t fathom the boundless fatherly love God has for His children. I also couldn’t truly empathize with Mary’s total devotion and love for her Son until I, too, became a mother. “What is it like to be a …