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Mother’s Day: 12 Catholic Quotes on the Beauty of Motherhood

By Katie Yoder Washington D.C., May 8, 2022 / 06:20 am On Mother’s Day, Catholics recognize two important figures: our mother, and Mary, Mother of God. In celebration of all that mothers do, here are 12 quotes from saints and other Catholic figures on the beauty and significance of motherhood: 1. St. …
Motherhood & Self Care

Andrew and I are blessed with six children, but a quick head count adds up to just five. Our youngest child, Meg, was born into heaven in 2018—every day our family asks her to pray for us. When I miscarried, friends rushed to my side like Mary to Elizabeth. They …
Walking with Moms in Need

Ask most moms and they will tell you that any extra set of hands or help with their children is appreciated. For mothers who are doing everything on their own though, that extra help goes much further. That’s where the Walking with Moms in Need program can be a welcomed …
Mind and Soul: Our Debt to Imperfect Motherly Love

“Tell me about your mother…” Many a joke about my profession begins with these words spoken in an Austrian accent in imitation of Sigmund Freud. While many therapists downplay our connection to Freud, it is true that we tend to place heavy emphasis on the role of the mother in …
Editor’s Note: What’s It Like To Be A Mom?

Growing up, my faith was the unquestioning faith of a child. I couldn’t fathom the boundless fatherly love God has for His children. I also couldn’t truly empathize with Mary’s total devotion and love for her Son until I, too, became a mother. “What is it like to be a …
Editor’s Note: God’s Grace & Friendship

If you died today, how would you be remembered? Would the people you love most be well taken care of? In the thick of postpartum depression and anxiety after the birth of my first child, I fixated on these types of questions every day: “What would happen if I died …
Being Pro-Life: Helping Moms in Need

When a woman is in a crisis pregnancy, she needs more than just convincing that her unborn child is a person. She may need some material assistance like clothes, diapers and formula. She may need counseling and relationship classes, or help with an addiction. What she needs may be as …
Then and now, Remembering Mother Teresa

Then. From The Catholic Telegraph, June 28, 1974, excerpts from an article: Apostle of Poor Wins Hearts, By Judy Ball She was so small, she stood on a box to reach the microphone. But Mother Teresa of Calcutta had no trouble reaching her audiences at Mt. St Joseph College and …