Posts Tagged
Moral Theology
The Gift of Moral Law

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). In the second major part of TOB, Pope St. John Paul II guides us in exploring the implications of our redemption in Christ and the moral teaching of the New …
A Closer Look: Character Determines the Circumstances of Our Lives

For many Catholics, the most difficult and distressing effect of social distancing has been the suspension of Masses and other public liturgies. Prior to March 2020, many of us cannot remember the last time we missed Mass on Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation. The Church’s liturgies are where …
Cardinal Francis E. George lecture at Athenaeum draws big crowd [Video]

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph “A member of the Cardinal’s staff told me that attending one of his staff meetings was like watching a one-man think tank,” Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr said Wednesday evening after the Gardner Lecture in Moral Theology at the Athenaeum. Cardinal Francis E. George discussed — in …