Posts Tagged
missionary discipleship
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr for October

Most of us learned as children that the word “Catholic” means “universal.” We even refer sometimes to the “universal Church” to remind us that we are part of more than just the “local Church,” which is our Archdiocese. The Church is universal because it encompasses the entire earth. Every spot …
Archdiocese’s summer youth programs lead the way to Christ

By Gail Finke As a scorching summer burns to a close, thoughts turn from camps and concerts to school, fall sports, and programs organized around the academic year. Summer youth programs at parishes, schools, and organizations – many that have long histories, others new and fast-growing – have …
Together in Christ Groups begin planning ways to approach others with ‘missionary zeal’

A gathering focused on the spirit of encounter and dialogue took place Sept. 9 (the feasts of St. Peter Claver and Blessed Frederic Ozanam) at the Athenaeum of Ohio. “Together in Christ: Saying ‘Yes’ to Missionary Discipleship” brought together immigrants, the formerly incarcerated, women who have faced crisis pregnancies, victims …