Posts Tagged
missionary discipleship
Pope Francis calls for ‘mission of compassion’ spurred by pandemic

Vatican City, Jan 29, 2021 / 04:35 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis urged Catholics on Friday to engage in a “mission of compassion” to a world ravaged by the coronavirus crisis. Writing in his World Mission Day message, released on Jan. 29, the pope warned Catholics not to succumb to …

When I was a kid, I used to hate making my bed. To me, it just didn’t make any sense. Why am I making my bed when I’m just going to mess it up again? Is someone coming over? If not, why bother? But, despite my protests, I had to …
USCCB 2020 fall meeting: Day 1 recap

CNA Staff, Nov 16, 2020 / 06:38 pm MT (CNA).- An emphasis on the need for healing, in both the Church and broader society, was prominent throughout the first day of the fall general assembly for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In his address Monday, Archbishop Jose Gomez …
Today’s Video: Youth ministry’s saving power

Reyna Tinajero shares how her experience of youth ministry saved her from depression and reflects on the beauty of World Youth Day.
Holy Angels Outreach Committee brings love worldwide

By Sharon Semanie When musical artist Jackie DeShannon recorded the lyrics to “What The World Needs Now Is Love” in 1965, she couldn’t have envisioned that a tenacious group of women in Shelby County would put those words into action decades later. An estimated 100 women from the Holy Angels …
Mission trips bring high school students closer to God

Kylie Schmidt, with her group, huffed up the hill in Navajo country. There are few trees —just an arid expanse colored in various shades of brown and red and dotted by scrub. “You can look out from the top and see all of Tohatchi and mile upon mile of the …
Sister lives what God calls her to do

In describing her ministry to the Navajo people, Sister of the Blessed Sacrament Zoe Brenner simply said, “I’m just doing what God is calling me to do.” But there is much more to it for the Reading, Ohio, native who entered religious life in 1966. Her community, founded by St. …
Mission letter from Archbishop Schnurr: Young people urged to serve “least” of our brethren

Greetings Fellow Catholics in Mission, In his message for this year’s World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis specifically invites young people who want to follow Christ, to seek, to discover and to persevere in their vocation. Observed by the Catholic Church on the penultimate Sunday of October every year, World Mission …
High Schools Giving Back: La Salle, McNicholas & Ursuline Academy

La Salle High School For more than 15 years, La Salle High School has served communities outside of Cincinnati as part of the Lasallian Youth Service Immersion Trip (LYSIT) program. During the summer of 2018, over 45 students and adult chaperones served Give Kids The World (Orlando, Fla.), St. Bernard …
High Schools Giving Back: Depaul Cristo Rey, Mount Notre Dame, St. Xavier & St. Ursula Academy

DePaul Cristo Rey Assistant Principal Kerrie Katsetos and Spanish Teacher Michael Delaney accompanied five students to Nazareth Farm in rural West Virginia over the summer. Nazareth Farm is a Catholic community that transforms lives through a service retreat experience. The DPCR group worked with students from other schools on repairs …