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IHM Supports Nicaraguan Training Center Batahola Notre Provides Security Amidst Political Unrest

By John Stegeman For almost 20 years Cincinnati’s Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish (IHM) has partnered with the Cultural Center Batahola Norte in Managua, Nicaragua, but that support took on new importance in April of 2018. Police and paramilitary groups violently suppressed a series of political protests, and the resulting …
Today’s Video: Celebrating 2 new priest for the Glenmary Home Missions.

Celebrating the Ordination of Father Charles Aketch and Father Richard Toboso, Glenmary’s newest missionary priests. The Ordination was held at St. John Neumann Church in Fairfield, on April 27, 2019.
Holy Angels Outreach Committee brings love worldwide

By Sharon Semanie When musical artist Jackie DeShannon recorded the lyrics to “What The World Needs Now Is Love” in 1965, she couldn’t have envisioned that a tenacious group of women in Shelby County would put those words into action decades later. An estimated 100 women from the Holy Angels …
Today’s Video: World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday was celebrated on Sunday, October 21. A Mass was held at St. Benedict the Moor Parish in Dayton.
Sister lives what God calls her to do

In describing her ministry to the Navajo people, Sister of the Blessed Sacrament Zoe Brenner simply said, “I’m just doing what God is calling me to do.” But there is much more to it for the Reading, Ohio, native who entered religious life in 1966. Her community, founded by St. …
Franciscan sisters minister in rural Kentucky

It’s an hour drive to see a movie or eat at a fast food restaurant. But, the things most of us take for granted pale in comparison to the joy Franciscan Sisters (Tiffin) Marge Eilerman and Angie Kiel find through their ministry among the marginalized in Owsley County in eastern …
Friar feels ‘blessed’ by mission experience

Franciscan Father Blane Grein has been a priest for 56 years. Most of that time has been spent in mission work, for which the friar is grateful. “I feel I’m a very blessed individual,” he said. He originally hails from St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Carthage, and recalls an early …
Mission special on parish twinning: Cincinnati and Madagascar

“This is seeing the body of Christ in a completely different fashion” By Walt Schaefer In 1999, Divine Providence Sister Francis Maag, visited Madagascar as a representative of her religious community. She returned with a dream. A long-time school principal, Sister Francis was then director of religious education at St. …
Glenmary sends two off to mission – at home

Mission bell rings for traditional Glenmary sendoff By John Stegeman The clanging of a mission bell echoed over the hills of Glenmary Home Missioners Headquarters in Cincinnati Aug. 25 as two novices left to begin the mission-placement portion of their novitiate year. Matt Solarz, a priesthood candidate from North Olmstead, …
Mission special on parish twinning: Ohio and Mexico

“We fell in love with the people and the community” By Eileen Connelly, OSU For more than 55 years, Precious Blood Sister Carmelita Monnin joyfully served in Santiago, Chili. Her ministry inspired her niece and goddaughter Jane Pierron, pastoral associate for RCIA and adult programs at Immaculate Conception, Holy Family, …