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ARIZONA Sr. Zoe Brenner, SBS Fr. Blane Grein, OSF Sr. Joe Schwab, OFM CALIFORNIA Sr. Carol McDonald, MM Fr. Ken Gerth, MCCJ GEORGIA Br. Jason Muhlenkamp, GHM INDIANA Fr. Nam Quoc Joseph Vu, SVD IOWA Br. Michael Decker, SVD KENTUCKY Sr. Marge Eilerman, OSF Sr. Rosemary Esterkamp, GHMS Sr. Susan …

In his Mission Sunday message, Pope Francis sees that the whole world is suffering this year from the unexpected, frightening, and deadly COVID-19 pandemic. It is like the Gospel story in which the disciples were also caught off guard and terrified by the storm in their windswept boat on the …

Visitors from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Soledad with locals in the Diocese of Puerto Escondido, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. (Courtesy Photo)
TWINNING PARISHES 2020 All Saints, Cincinnati – Holy Land Outreach to Promote Education, Palestine Ascension,Dayton – Neustra Senora de La Luz, Peru Fort Recovery Cluster Parish Cluster & St. Anthony, Cold Water Cluster  – Precious Blood Sisters and the Sisters of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Guatemala Guardian …

Madrid, Spain, Jun 24, 2020 / 06:07 pm MT (CNA).- The mayor of Boadilla del Monte, a town just west of metro Madrid in central Spain, has offered to take the statue of Saint Junipero Serra toppled last weekend in San Francisco. Serra’s statue was torn down in San Francisco’s …

Covington, KY, May 2020— In the mid ‘90s, a group from the Sisters of Notre Dame left behind everything they knew and travelled over 7,000 miles to a place where they didn’t know the language or culture. Their mission? To build a school from the ground up and spread God’s …

CNA Staff, Jun 3, 2020 / 04:01 pm MT (CNA).- The Archdiocese of Detroit has announced a major restructuring process that could combine over 200 parishes into “family” groupings that aim to alter and, perhaps, avoid, aspects of the parish merger model. “Even before the pandemic, we knew God wanted …

Pope Francis celebrates Mass for World Missionary Day Oct. 20, 2019. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.
Vatican City, Feb 12, 2020 / 04:15 am (CNA).- While Pope Francis was expected to focus in the apostolic exhortation published today on a proposal to ordain married priests in the Amazon region, the pope instead emphasized the importance of collaboration in apostolic ministry by Catholics in various states of …

A St. Joseph's student dances in a pow wow. Courtesy of St. Joseph's Indian School.
By Mary Farrow Chamberlain, SD, Jan 30, 2020 / 03:31 am (CNA).- In central South Dakota, along the northern jog of the Missouri River in what one might call “the middle of nowhere,” sits St. Joseph’s Indian School, a modern school with a long history. While it seems remote, the …

Huehuetenango, Guatemala, Dec 7, 2019 / 03:58 am (CNA).- The son of Wisconsin farmers, Brother James Miller, FSC,  was  beatified Saturday, 36 years after he was shot and killed while working with school children and the indigenous poor in the country. A graduate of St. Mary’s University in Winona, Minnesota …

Baptized and Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the World Dear Brothers and Sisters, For the month of October 2019, I have asked that the whole Church revive her missionary awareness and commitment as we commemorate the centenary of the Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud of Pope Benedict XV …