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Mission Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
“How to Become a Missioner,”

As my wife and I were discerning family lay missionary work, we heard that professor Dr. Otto Maduro of Venezuela asked new recruits, “Who among you wants to become a lay missioner because you want to go to another country to help the people? Please raise your hand. Okay, those …
Field of Hopes and Dreams: How Cincinnati missionaries helped build a ballfield in Venezuela

By Walt Schaefer Missionaries, the Cincinnati Reds, the Venezuelan Air Force. A number of improbable things came together in 1990 to create Davey Concepción Field in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. • Cincinnatian Mike Gable, his wife, Kathy, and their four young sons had been assigned to serve as lay Maryknoll missioners in …
Shall we Carry on the Same Missionary Spirit?

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Once we experience the power of God’s love and recognize His fatherly presence in our personal and community life, we cannot help but proclaim and share what we have seen and heard. Jesus’ relationship with His disciples and His humanity, as revealed to us …
To Russia with Love

by Matt Hess Bill Fuller, Missions Committee President at Holy Angels in Sidney, knows that while things have been less active the past year and half due to the pandemic, the committee who coordinates the parish’s mission twinning efforts is ready to get their parish excited again to help their …
Mission Office Financial Statement 2019-2020

2019-2020 FINANCIAL REPORT MISSION OFFICE, ARCHDIOCESE OF CINCINNATI NOTE: These amounts reflect the totals donated through our Archdiocesan Mission Office to the Pontifical Mission Society. The Archdiocesan Mission Office wishes to thank all of those who have prayed, worked and made sacrifices to support the ministries of our own missionaries, …
2019 Spirit of Sister Dorothy Stang Awards

These awards honor the works of Sister Dorothy Stang, who went to Brazil nearly 50 years ago along with four other Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. In 1966, the sisters established a new convent at Coroatá in the state of Maranhão. As the sisters learned about the oppression of …
Sister Rebecca Spires: 49 Years of Sharing God’s Love in the Amazon

By Rebecca Sontag On the northern rim of the Amazon Rainforest flows a massive and wide river with brown and muddied waters, the Oyapock. On one side of the river is the Brazilian town of Oiapoque, and on the other side is French Guiana. The locals just call it France. …
Archbishop Schnurr’s Message on the Extraordinary Mission Month for October

Greetings fellow Evangelizers/Missioners, Pope Benedict XV wrote a powerful missionary letter, Maximum Illud, just after the horrendous First World War in 1919 urging the world to instill the love and hope of Christ and to avoid nationalist aims that had proved so disastrous. He called for the end of emphasizing …