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Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur select new director of mission integration

[Cincinnati OH] – Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in Reading, Ohio, have selected Donna Groene to serve as director of mission integration for the congregation’s Ohio Province. Groene previously worked for 35 years at Mount Notre Dame High School, which is owned by the Sisters. Her most recent role …
A Heart for Every Stranger

Father Ruffino Ezama, MCCJ, has a way of turning every stranger into a friend. It’s a gift that has made him a beloved figure among the clergy and staff of the Comboni Missionaries in Anderson Township—and far beyond. Born and raised in Arua, Uganda, Father Ruffino’s early life was marked …
A Missionary Presence

“Every Christian is called to be a missionary and witness to Christ.” This prompting by Pope Francis might seem like a tall order in western Ohio, but for Sarah Niekamp, a lifelong member of St. Bernard Church in the St. Henry Family of Parishes, the calling to become a missionary …
Life’s Unexpected Turn

“I never intended to be a missionary.” Brother James Bok, OFM, has uttered those words numerous times over the years. As so often happens though, God had other intentions for this Franciscan friar. He returned stateside from Jamaica on Sept. 11, 2024, 16 years to the day after his arrival …
THE FINAL WORD with Beth Pettigrew

Youth ministry began at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Reading in the fall of 1998, and, soon afterwards, we began seeking opportunities for the compulsory “mission trip.” We didn’t have to look far. At the same time, our Parish Mission Commission was filing the paperwork to recognize a small …
Serving Beyond Borders: St. Xavier Students Continue to Reach Out to Those in Need

by Ellen Gormley In 2019, St. Xavier High School students served on 12 mission trips around the U.S. and Costa Rica. While COVID-19 led to the cancellation of all 2020 summer mission trips, students and community service director, J.K. Klaiber, continue to innovate in creating service opportunities for students. Students …
World Mission Sunday: Catholics urged to support evangelization as pandemic spreads

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Oct 16, 2020 / 10:02 am MT (CNA).- Vatican officials invited Catholics to participate in the 2020 World Mission Sunday with increased prayers and financial support, as local Churches around the world continue to face the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. World Mission Sunday will …
A Mission Call for Global Solidarity to Radiate Christ, Archbishop Schnurr’s Message for World Mission Month

St. Pope John Paul II was certainly a blessing to our Church and world. His love for God’s people blossomed in the 1970s, joining with workers as a cardinal in Communist-controlled Poland. “Solidarność” or “Solidarity” was the name of the labor union he strongly supported. He educated global supporters to …
Celebrating World Mission Sunday: Lay Missioners Adapt to Changing Needs in Ministry

by Eileen Connelly, OSU Their faith initially brought Brian and Kathleen DeRouen together as graduate students at the University of Dayton and ultimately let the couple to a hilltop house in West Virginia where all are welcomed with compassion and open arms. Brian originally hails from the San Francisco Bay area; Kathleen …
Global Solidarity: Versailles Communities Support Indigenous People Across the Globe

by Susie Bergman Twinning allows parish communities to connect the commonality of our faith across borders, various ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds. These relationships allow parishes from all over the globe to embrace and grow deeper in their understanding of Christ through virtual and in-person development. For more than a decade, …