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Heaven’s Gain Ministries: Offering Families a Healthy and Reverent Approach to Perinatal Loss

By Diana Telles, Heaven’s Gain Volunteer For every beautiful blessing received into Heaven there is profound earthly loss. Miscarriage and perinatal death bring a uniquely different type of loss, one that is notoriously difficult for parents and families to navigate. Impeded by societal stigma and lack of education, our religious …
Miscarriage will remain legal in Ohio, even if Issue 1 fails.

Miscarriage is a traumatic end to pregnancy experienced by 10-15% of all pregnant women. Generally, once a miscarriage has been diagnosed, women are given three options: natural delivery, medically-induced delivery or surgical delivery. There can be complications, though, demanding immediate medical attention. After the overturn of Roe v. Wade in …
Moving Forward After Miscarriage

I remember seeing the small plus sign on my pregnancy test, and a smile spread across my face. Stepping out into the buzzing activity of our home, I held up the test for Andrew to see. He was late on his way out the door to an evening meeting and …
Being Pro Life: Pregnancy loss is a real loss

She practically danced into the doctor’s office for her standard ultrasound appointment. When the sonographer placed the transducer (the handheld device that transmits the sound waves) onto her abdomen, nothing unusual was anticipated. But after some time, the technician informed her there was no heartbeat, and the baby was measuring …