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A Solanus Casey miracle? Man says friar visited him in hospital

by CNA Staff Denver Newsroom, Nov 8, 2021 / 16:55 pm A married father of three from the Diocese of Lansing claims that Blessed Solanus Casey, the humble Capuchin friar and priest, visited him twice in hospital and hastened what he believes to be a miraculous recovery from COVID-19. The …
Everything you need to know about the miracle of liquefaction of the blood of Saint Januarius

by CNA Staff Naples, Italy, Sep 18, 2021 / 10:38 am On Sept. 19, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. Januarius, bishop, martyr, and patron saint of Naples, Italy. Traditionally, on this day and on two other occasions a year, his blood, which is kept in a glass …
Hollywood director, Catholic internet host take on Eucharist miracles movie

by Joe Bukuras Washington D.C., Aug 9, 2021 / 15:30 pm A longtime Hollywood artist has teamed up with a Catholic YouTube host to create a live-action film on Eucharistic miracles. Ray Grijalba, host of the YouTube channel “The Joy of the Faith,” is co-producing the “Eucharistic Miracle Movie,” along …
‘Let Michael be the miracle’ – The baby healed through Fr. McGivney’s prayers

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 30, 2020 / 10:20 am MT (CNA).- Fr. Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, will be beatified Oct. 31. This is the story of the miracle attributed to his prayers. Catholics have a whole host of saints to choose from in …
The miracle attributed to Carlo Acutis’ prayers

CNA Staff, Oct 10, 2020 / 10:15 am MT (CNA).- The beatification of Carlo Acutis took place Oct. 10 after a miracle attributed to his prayers and the grace of God. In Brazil, a boy named Mattheus was healed from a serious birth defect called an annular pancreas after he …
St. Januarius’ blood liquifies in Naples

By Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Sep 19, 2020 / 05:59 am MT (CNA).- The blood of early Church martyr St. Januarius liquified in Naples Saturday, repeating a miracle dating at least to the 14th century. The blood was declared to have turned from solid to liquid at 10:02 am in …
A Splinter of Faith: New Bremen’s Paul Dwenger Inspires Others Through Humble Actions

by Susie Bergman Many of us fret over our faults and failures. Our imperfections discourage us and our defeats often break our spirits and cause us to give up hope. But when we look at them in a certain way, we can see the experiences that have been imperfect or …
The Miraculous Medal: St Maximilian Kolbe’s weapon for evangelization

by Courtney Mares Rome, Italy, Aug 9, 2020 / 05:40 am MT (CNA).- As World War II raged around him in Poland, St. Maximilian Kolbe fought for souls using a printing press and another “weapon” – the Miraculous Medal. “Even though a person be the worst sort, if only he …
‘Let Michael be the miracle’ – The baby healed through Fr. McGivney’s prayers

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 16, 2020 / 01:10 pm MT (CNA).- Catholics have a whole host of saints to choose from in times of trouble or anguish. There’s St. Rita, patroness of the impossible, St. Dymphna, the patroness of anxiety, and when all else fails, there’s always …
Computer programming teen Carlo Acutis to be beatified

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Feb 22, 2020 / 08:30 am (CNA).- The Vatican announced Saturday the approval of a miracle attributed to the intercession of Venerable Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager and computer programmer, who died in 2006. The miracle involved the healing of a Brazilian child suffering from …