Posts Tagged
Mind and Soul
Mind & Soul: What is “Theology of the Body”?

This article is the start of an extended series in which I will reflect on, explain, and apply Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” to contemporary issues. Have you heard of “Theology of the Body?” This term has gotten quite a bit of attention in Catholic circles …
Mind and Soul: Our Debt to Imperfect Motherly Love

“Tell me about your mother…” Many a joke about my profession begins with these words spoken in an Austrian accent in imitation of Sigmund Freud. While many therapists downplay our connection to Freud, it is true that we tend to place heavy emphasis on the role of the mother in …
Mind and Soul: Death Anxiety and Christian Hope

Death is a part of life. It may be paradoxical to say but is undeniably true. We cannot escape the reality that we will all face death – both ourselves and those we love. Yet we live much of our lives ignoring this basic fact. We distract ourselves away from …
Mind and Soul: The Beauty of Spousal Love

As the great poet Huey Lewis said, “The power of love is a curious thing. It makes one man weep, another man sing; changes a hawk to a little white dove. More than a feeling, it’s the power of love!” Indeed, Huey, love is a powerful thing. Not only can …