Posts Tagged
Michelle Dushensky
St Michael Parish Breathes New Life Into Community

At a time when Mass attendance all over the world is down due to the pandemic, St. Michael Parish in Fort Loramie has drawn people back to church and infused new life into its community. The secret: modifications to its worship space and offering parishioners a piece of the church’s …
The Compassionate Face of Jesus: IHM’s Bereavement Ministry

by Michelle Dushesnsky Death is not a lighthearted topic of everyday conversation. Yet, it is something that unites us as human beings. All of us will face death – and, in the meantime, all of us will experience the death of loved ones. Regardless of the circumstances, losing someone is …
Faith, Excellence, Service: Three Guiding Principles for Our Catholic Schools

by Michelle Dushensky Since 1974, Catholic schools around the country have participated in Catholic Schools Week (CSW). Traditionally, CSW is held at the end of January, and, each year, the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) chooses a theme to highlight an aspect of Catholic schools. This year’s theme, “Catholic Schools: …