Posts Tagged
Michael Vanderburgh
St. Vincent de Paul Dayton launches Operation STOPCOVID

Dayton, Ohio: Today the St. Vincent de Paul Society homeless shelters launched Operation STOPCOVID, an effort to temporarily reduce the density of men, women, and children in shelter during the COVID-19 crisis. “Through the generosity of our benefactors, the help of Miami Valley RTA, and the wonderful cooperation of Red …
Tornado Recovery Efforts Continue in Dayton and the North

By Eileen Connelly, OSU Weeks after the May 27 tornadoes that tore through Dayton and areas north of the city, recovery efforts remain in full force with local faith-based organizations taking a leading role. “This is where Catholic social service agencies such as Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley …
CMA campaign supports archdiocesan ministries
By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Making large numbers out of smaller numbers is Michael Vanderburgh’s vocation. The jovial director the archdiocesan Office of Stewardship has launched the 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) knowing there are fewer Catholics in the archdiocese and knowing he has a tougher goal for this …