Posts Tagged
Michael Daley
What keeps me Catholic? The violence of love

Let’s be honest. It’s easy to be cynical and jaded about the state of the world today. From the front page news it seems that all there is out there is a daily, ongoing, endless stream of violence. Depressingly, rather than be an antidote to it, religion seems to further …
What keeps me Catholic? Do we dare encounter nature

The commercial begins with a real nostalgic feel to it. Old photos in the background. Catchy tune in the air. It then proceeds to ask three generations the same question: When you were a kid what did you do for fun? The “grandparent” generation speaks of blueberry picking and growing …
Conversion leads to joy of Lenten fish fries
This past Lent, I was part of a book discussion on, of all things, The Joy of the Gospel, popularly described as Pope Francis’ “blueprint” for the church. One of the participants was basking in the glow of her recent conversion to Catholicism. She movingly shared with us one night …
What Keeps Me Catholic? The Sacred Heart of Jesus
For the past two years I’ve had the opportunity and privilege to go on a mission trip to Vanceburg, Kentucky through the Glenmary Home Missioners. With the Ohio River on one side and the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains on the other, it is a place of striking natural beauty. …
What Keeps Me Catholic?—Food and Meals
It happens once a month—Welcome Sunday. With three independent-minded kids, when told to get ready for Mass, I am surprised that there are no, well, fewer complaints. Likewise, leaving home they all have smiling, well, no frowning faces. The purpose of the Mass is that afterwards, in the school cafeteria, …
Good thieves part of what keeps me Catholic
Pope Francis…a thief? When I first heard it mentioned, I smiled faintly in disbelief. If anyone knows not to break the seventh commandment — You Shall Not Steal — it’s this guy. Yet, come to find out, it is true. The pope’s a thief.
What keeps me Catholic? Internet trolls
You know you’re getting old when words you knew so well from childhood change their meaning…without you even being aware of it. Take “troll” for example. Growing up I associated trolls, always grouchy and hungry, with the classic fairy tale “Three Billy Goats Gruff.” Come to find out trolls no …
What Keeps Me Catholic? — Baptismal Reminders
It’s a sight that fills every cradle Catholic with dread: Walking into church for Mass the first few pews are not only filled, but nicely dressed people are seated in them. Trouble. Something’s not right. Looking more closely the culprit is spied—a baby. Infant Baptism. Are you kidding me? Mass …
What keeps me Catholic? Smell, noise, mess, & crazy
What Keeps Me Catholic? September 2013 Recently, in addition to the four classic marks of the church — one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, Pope Francis has offered four other traits for consideration and actualization — smelly, crazy, messy, and noisy. At first glance, for reasons of personal hygiene and social …
What keeps me Catholic: Scandals can be of a profoundly theologial nature
It’s a word the Catholic Church has long avoided being associated with — scandal. Far from it to be a cause of disillusionment or a stumbling block against faith. In the past, the very mention of scandal being a possibility was, depending on the activity, enough to get someone to …