Posts Tagged
Miami University
Home Away from Home

Like many college freshmen, Miami University student Ben Breunig felt he didn’t fit in. Lonely, the Louisville native, raised Catholic, said he was about to leave when, on a whim, he attended Mass at St. Mary Church in Oxford. After that, everything in Breunig’s life changed. “I had never prioritized …
Miami University pro-life students fight to prevent passage of Ohio abortion referendum

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Nov 3, 2023 / 17:01 pm As Election Day in Ohio nears, hundreds of pro-life students from across the state are rallying to defeat the Issue 1 referendum, which would amend the Ohio Constitution to establish a right to abortion. The proposed amendment would add …
Out and About for June 2023

1) Fixer Uppers in Xenia Lou Schnorr (right) teams up with Bill Berner to fix equipment at St. Brigid Church in Xenia. Schnorr and Berner are part of a volunteer group that meets Wednesdays to help maintain assets at St. Brigid. 2) Way of the Cross at Miami U Father …
Miami University student group hopes to install Plan B ‘morning after pill’ vending machine on campus

By Peter Pinedo Washington D.C., Mar 15, 2023 / 15:55 pm Miami University’s student government association has plans to install a “Plan B” emergency contraception vending machine on its Oxford, Ohio, campus in time for the fall semester. Plan B emergency contraception, also known as “the morning-after pill,” is a one-step …
Out and About in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati January 2023

1) University Eucharistic Procession The Newman Center at Miami University in Oxford, OH, hosted a Eucharistic procession to the center of Miami’s Campus on Nov. 6. Part of the closing ceremony for the 40 hours devotion that weekend, it included students and a faculty member 2) Scientific Journal Publishes Manuscript …
Miami University Neumann Center hosted a Eucharistic Procession

Miami University (Oxford, OH) Newman Center hosted a Eucharistic procession to the center of Miami’s Campus on November 6th. It included students and a faculty member. This event was part of the closing ceremony for the 40 hours devotion that weekend. This simple procession is such a powerful event. It …
Breaking News: Pro-Life Display Vandalized on Local Campus

Students at Miami University tear crosses out of Cemetery of the Innocents Display November 14, 2018, (Cincinnati, OH): Students at Miami University’s Oxford campus have vandalized the Cemetery of the Innocents Display three times since it was put up on Monday, November 12th by Miami University Students for Life America …
ADF sues Miami University on behalf of pro-life club

By Gail Finke The non-profit legal association Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a federal lawsuit against Miami University yesterday after its Hamilton campus told a student pro-life group it could erect a “Cemetery of the Innocents” display this fall only if it posted “trigger warning” signs throughout campus. Miami University’s …
Badin students earn scholarships
Press Release Badin High School’s seventh annual Academic Signing Day Tuesday morning, May 7, honored the Top 10 in the Class of 2013 as well as 15 students who have been tendered $100,000 or more in academic scholarships.