Posts Tagged
Men Religious
A Spiritual Impact

I did not grow up Catholic, and living in the Bible Belt meant Catholicism was a bit of an anomaly. I’ll never forget the words of my former bishop, Most Rev. Michael Duca: “You’re not Catholic by accident in Shreveport, Louisiana!” My only early-life memory of Catholicism was of once …
Obituary: Brother James Patrick Brown, SM

The Province of the United States recommends to our fraternal prayers our dear brother, James Patrick BROWN, of the Marianist Community at Alumni Hall, Dayton, Ohio, USA, who died in the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary on October 15, 2023, in Centerville, at the age of 82 with 63 …
Obituary: Fr. Louis Bartko, OFM

Father Louis (Lou) Bartko, OFM, died Sunday, Oct. 1 at St. Margaret Hall in Cincinnati. Fr. Lou was 82 years old. Born on Sept. 12, 1941, in Toledo, Ohio, Father Bartko was one of two children of Louis and Anna (Gurecky) Bartko. Although a spastic condition left him disabled and …
Obituary: Father Dan Anderson, OFM

Father Dan Anderson, OFM, 76, passed away Sept. 25 at St. Francis Seraph Friary in Cincinnati. A native of Cincinnati, Father Dan was the son of the late Robert and Annetta Anderson. He attended St. Margaret Mary Grade School and Roger Bacon High School. He continued his studies at Duns …

The annual appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious is taken up each December in most U.S. Catholic parishes and helps hundreds of religious communities provide for the current and future needs of senior members. In good times and bad, senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have served our Church …
Obituary: Fr. James Van Vurst, OFM

Fr. James (Jim) Van Vurst, OFM, died Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021 at St. the John the Baptist Friary in Cincinnati. Fr. Jim was 87 years old. Born on Feb. 1, 1934 in Detroit, Mich., Fr. Jim was one of two children of Marinus and Marion (Wilkinson) Van Vurst. He attended …
Obituary: Brother Martin Humphrey O.F.M.

He made the night a little brighter (Br. Martin Humphreys, OFM, died Friday, November 20 at his home, the St. John the Baptist friary. He was 94 years old and the senior of the province by age.) Br. Gene Mayer did not mince words describing Br. Martin Humphreys: “He was …
Retirement fund for Religious: For those who have given a lifetime

Like Br. Marcel, Br. Gabe, and Sr. Laura, some 30,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests have spent their lives doing the Lord’s work. Most served for little or no pay, and now their religious communities do not have enough retirement savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund …
#Cincy200: Consecrated Women & Men to Celebrate Bi-centennial with Service

by Rebecca Sontag “We knew we wanted our part of the celebration to be a day of service,” said Sister Rita Sturwold, SNDdeN. And nothing could be a more fitting contribution from these women and men religious to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s bicentennial celebrations. When the first orders of sisters …
For justice and healing: Catholics explain why they marched

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 12, 2020 / 06:00 am MT (CNA).- As thousands of protesters prepared to march against racism in Washington, D.C. last Saturday, Louis Brown helped organize a rosary procession on Capitol Hill. Lay Catholics joined Dominican friars, nuns, and priests of the Washington archdiocese …